Program Requirements - Public Health

Public Health, B.S.

Requirements of Graduation (121 credits)

To be eligible for graduation, students majoring in Public Health must complete a minimum of 121 credits, achieve a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher, satisfy the College’s residency requirements, and complete the General Education Requirements of the College. A minimum grade of 2.0 is required for First Year Seminar and all courses taken as part of Foundations. Courses used to complete General
Education Requirements may not be taken on a pass/fail basis. The General Education Requirements of the college require students to successfully complete a First Year Seminar, Foundations (FCO 103 will be a required co-requisite with FCO 105 for students who have a high school GPA below 3.20), Disciplinary Perspectives, and a Constellation. Students who enter the college with 30 credit hours completed will not
take a First Year Seminar course and therefore must take an additional 3 credits for graduation. Transfer students that are awarded 60 or more credits upon acceptance to York College will not be required to complete a Constellation. Public Health majors must achieve a grade of 2.0 or higher in all required courses in the major.

Required Major Courses (58 credits)

  • BHA 310: Public Health Administration
  • BHA 414: Research and Evidence Based Practice
  • BIO 112: Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
  • BIO 142: Molecules, Genes and Cells
  • BIO 226: Food and Nutrition
  • BIO 290 Biostatistics
  • CM 211 Mass Communication
  • HSV 250 Lifecourse Development for the Human Services
  • HSV 415 Grant Writing for Non-Profit Agencies
  • PH 100 Introduction to Public Health
  • PH 210 Health and Environment
  • PH 220 Human Health and Disease
  • PH 230 Health Equity
  • PH 300 Epidemiology
  • PH 410 Public Health Internship
  • PH 420 Public Health Capstone
  • PR 221 Introduction to Public Relations

Sociology/Psychology requirement - choose one of the following courses:

  • PSY 225: Health Psychology
  • SOC 302: Sociology of Health and Illness
  • PSY 376 Community Psychology

Ethics requirement - choose one of the following courses:

  • PHL342 Professional Ethics
  • PHL346 Bioethics

Required Elective Courses (12 credits)

Students must complete an additional 12 credits of required elective courses. Students should choose a combination of courses that will prepare them for future career goals. It is recommended that students choose one of the following disciplines:

Global Public Health

  • PH 310: Global Healthcare Systems
  • PH 320: Global Health - Emerging Issues
  • PH 330: Global Emerging Infectious Diseases

Maternal and Child Public Health

  • NTR 310: Nutrition for Special Populations
  • WGS 200: Women’s Health
  • PH 340: Maternal and Child Health

Community Public Health

  • PH 350 Health Promotion and Education
  • PH 360 Social Determinants and Health
  • PH 370 Public Policy and Community Health

General Free Electives (12 credits)

The remaining courses to complete the degree may be chosen based on student interests. Students are encouraged either to elect a minor or target a substantial portion of their free electives to an area of personal or professional interest.