Carla G. Strassle, Ph.D.

Carla Strassle
School of Behavioral Sciences and Education
Professor of Psychology and Director of Experiential Learning, Internships, and Practica
Contact Information
Appell Life Sciences, Room 316

Meet Carla G. Strassle


  • B.S., Belmont University
  • M.A., University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  • Ph.D., University of Tennessee, Knoxville


  • Essential Skills and Tools of Psychology
  • Adult Psychopathology
  • Counseling Theories
  • Psychological Testing
  • Cooperative Internship

Research Interests

  • Stigma of Mental Illness
  • Psychological Test construction
  • Pedagogical issues related to teaching Psychology

Recent Publications

  • Strassle, C. G. (2019). CIT in small municipalities: Officer-level outcomes. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 37, 342-352.
  • Strassle, C. G., & Verrecchia, P. J. (2019). Faculty perceptions of the seriousness and frequency of classroom incivility. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 30, 187-209. Retrieved from
  • Sauder, M. H., Mudrick, M., Strassle, C. G., Maitoza, R., Malcarne, B., & Evans, B. (2019). What did you expect?: Divergent perceptions among internship stakeholders. Journal of Experiential Education, 42, 105-120.
  • Strassle, C. G. (2018). Reducing mental illness stigma in the classroom: An expanded methodology. Teaching of Psychology, 45, 351357.
  • Strassle, C. G., Borckardt, J. J., Handler, L, & Nash, M. (2011). Video-tape role induction for psychotherapy: Moving forward. Psychotherapy, 48, 170-178.

Recent Presentations

  • Engler, J. N., & Strassle, C. G. (2017, October). High-impact practices, APA guidelines, and program assessment. Poster session presented at the Annual Conference on the Teaching of Psychology San Antonio, TX.
  • Strassle, C. G., Shedlosky-Shoemaker, R., Bursler, J. A., & Anderson, J. (2017, August). Service and community-based learning. In C. Strassle (Chair), Using high-impact practices and the APA Guidelines for Undergraduate Majors to map your curriculum. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
  • Strassle, C. G., Bursler, J. A., & Anderson, J. (2017, August). Internships. In C. Strassle (Chair), Using high-impact practices and the APA Guidelines for Undergraduate Majors to map your curriculum. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
  • Strassle, C. G. (2014, August). An evidence-based approach reducing the stigma of mental illness. Poster session presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
  • Strassle, C. G., Engler, J. N., & Unwin, A. A. (2014, August). The effects of general self-efficacy on the development of postpartum depression symptoms. Poster session presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.