Rachel "Leigh" Foy, M.S., M.A.T.

Rachel "Leigh" Foy
Kinsley School of Engineering, Sciences and Technology
Chemistry Instructor
Contact Information
Campbell Hall room 213

Meet Rachel "Leigh" Foy

Leigh is an award winning educator with a varied background in different levels of science education. She was an Associate Editor for the POGIL project (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning) working on publications in both chemistry and biology, as well as a workshop facilitator both nationally and internationally. Leigh was awarded a summer research fellowship at Penn State Hershey Medical center in biochemistry. Leigh's current research interests are utilizing the POGIL teaching method in YCP Gen Chem classes, cannabis chemistry education, and climate science education. Leigh's work with climate science literacy won her an award from the ACS (American Chemical Society) in 2019 for incorporating sustainability into chemistry education.

  • B.S. Texas A&M University Biology (major) and Chemistry (minor)
  • M.S. Miami University Physiology
  • M.A.T. Miami University 
  • CHM 134 Gen Chem
  • CHM 106 Chemistry Recitation
  • CHM 160 Natural Products
  • Utilizing the POGIL teaching method in YCP Gen Chem classes
  • Cannabis chemistry education
  • Climate science education