Tara B Johnston, Ph.D.

School of Behavioral Sciences and Education
Assistant Professor of Education
- Reading Education, Ph.D.
University of Maryland, College Park - Reading Education, M.Ed.
Belhaven University - Elementary Education, B.S.
Millsaps College
- EDU200: Foundations of Education
- ECH230: Early Childhood Theory & Practice
- ECH301: Literacy and Language for Young Children
- ECH304: Teaching Language Arts
- ECH310: Diagnostic Reading & Instruction
- Content Area Literacy
- Vocabulary and Conceptual Knowledge Instruction
- Pre-Service Teachers' Literacy Practices and Perceptions
- DeZutter, S. & Johnston, T. B. (2024). Becoming a professional: Interdisciplinary courses as sites for transforming professional identity. Journal of Transformative Learning, 11(1).
- Johnston, T. B. (2024). Kindergarten teachers’ vocabulary knowledge, practices, and influential factors: A multiple case study. Literacy Research and Instruction.
- Stark, K., Wexler, J., Shelton, A., Johnston, T. B, & Omohundro, K. (2023). Explicit and evidence-based literacy instruction in middle school: an observation study. Reading and Writing.
- Johnston, T. B. & Dreher, M. J. (2022). Planting knowledge seeds: Teaching content area vocabulary to young children. Pennsylvania Reads, 21(1) 36-39.
- Johnston, T. B., Stark, K., Shelton, A., Omohundro, K., Wexler, J. (2024, April). A systematic content analysis of common reading comprehension errors. Roundtable paper presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
- Johnston, T. B. (2023, November). Multiple tiers and multimodal texts: Kindergarten teachers' vocabulary instruction. Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Literacy Research Association, Atlanta, GA.
- Johnston, T. B. (2023, October). Integrating content areas into literacy instruction through conceptually meaningful vocabulary instruction. Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Council of Teachers of English and Language Arts, Harrisburg, PA.
- Reutebuch, C., Wexler, J., Johnston, T. B., Shelton, A., Lambert-Yuhasz, M. (2023, July). The case for flexibility in schoolwide evidence-based literacy practices: Navigating negotiables and non-negotiables. Presentation at the Office of Special Education Programs Leadership and Project Director’s Conference, Arlington, VA.
- American Education Research Association
- Literacy Research Association
- Keystone State Literacy Association