Tristan Ericson, Ph.D.

Tristan Ericson
Kinsley School of Engineering, Sciences and Technology
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Contact Information
Kinsley Engineering Center, Room 109

Meet Tristan Ericson


  • Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Ohio State University, 2012
  • B.S., Mechanical Engineering, York College of Pennsylvania, 2003


  • Capstone Design I and II
  • Advanced Dynamics and Vibration
  • Dynamics
  • Materials Science
  • Strength of Materials

Research Interests

  • Vibrations of Multi-Body Systems
  • Nonlinear Dynamics
  • Systems with Symmetry
  • Gear Dynamics
  • Engine Performance


  • York College Faculty Development Research Grant, 2017
  • Best Paper Award, International BAASANE Conference, 2015
  • York College Faculty Development Summer Fellow Grant, 2015
  • Honorable mention; poster display, National Instruments NIWeek, 2011
  • 1st Place, Engineering: 25th Hayes Graduate Research Forum, 2011

Recent Publications

  • T. M. Ericson and R. G. Parker, Experimental Measurement and Finite Element Simulation of Elastic-Body Vibration in Planetary Gears, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 160 (2021) 104264.
  • Y. Guo, T. Eritenel, T. M. Ericson and R. G. Parker, Vibro-Acoustic Propagation of Gear Dynamics in a Gear-Bearing-Housing System, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333 (2014) 4762-5785.
  • T. M. Ericson and R. G. Parker, Experimental Measurement of the Effects of Torque on the Dynamic Behavior and System Parameters of Planetary Gears, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 74 (2014) 370-389.
  • T. M. Ericson and R. G. Parker, Natural Frequency Clusters in Planetary Gear Vibration, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 135 (2013) 061002.
  • T. M. Ericson and R. G. Parker, Planetary Gear Modal Vibration Experiments and Correlation against Lumped-Parameter and Finite Element Models, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 332 (2013) 2350-2375.

Recent Presentations

  • T. M. Ericson, Lessons for Effective Use of MATLAB and Simulink to Explore Advanced Topics: Application in a Vibrations Course, 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference, July 2021, paper # 37434.
  • S. Kuchnicki and T. M. Ericson, Development of a New Concept Inventory for Mechanics of Materials, 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference, July 2021, paper # 36960.
  • T. M. Ericson and S. Kuchnicki, Undergraduate Research in a Materials Independent Study at a Small College: From Building Modern Fabrication Equipment to Experimental Testing, 2018 ASEE Annual Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, June 2018, paper # 24027.
  • S. Kiefer, K. Meah, T.M. Ericson (co-presenter), and J. Moscola, Design, Build, and Installation of and Autonomous Bike Rental System as a Part of Capstone Design, 2016 ASEE Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, June 2016, paper 14448.
  • S. Kiefer and T. M. Ericson, Capstone Design Assessment and Student Motivation

Recent Exhibitions

  • Formula SAE
  • NASA Student Launch
  • Additive Manufacturing: 3D Printing and Thermoforming
  • Automated Bike Rental Station
  • Omni-crawler


  • YCCOSP STEM Academy Engineering Rocketry Day Leader
  • NASA Student Launch Club, Faculty Advisor
  • Junior Achievement STEM Summit Volunteer
  • Student-Neighbor Task Force
  • Chair, Academic Senate Student Welfare Committee

Professional Association

  • Society of Automotive Engineers, SAE
  • American Society of Engineering Education, ASEE
  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME (former)