April 20, 2023

Worship Minister and Musician Peter Tung '03 Continues to use Skills Learned at York College

By Emma Simpson '23
2-Minute Read

Pete Tung graduated from York College of Pennsylvania in 2003 and is currently serving as the Worship Minister at Fannin Terrace Baptist Church in Midland, TX. In addition, he also performs in a cover band known as The Croakin’ Toads. Both of these ventures have been longtime passions of his.

Tung has been married to his wife, Jessi, for almost 20 years. She is a 2003 York College alumna and is currently working remotely as a senior software developer for Johnson Controls located in York, PA. They have two children, Vienna (14) and Davian (12).

During his time at YCP, Tung made connections and honed skills that he still uses every day.

“On a weekly basis, I've needed to recall the Music Theory education that was taught to me by Dr. Wayne Romer,” he said. “I also use the guitar skills weekly as taught to me by adjunct faculty Matt Fogleman, my guitar professor. The friendships I have developed through various classes and organizations, such as InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, have helped me to network and attain my first full-time ministry job as the Youth and Young Adult Worship Director at Living Word Community Church in Red Lion, PA.” 

In addition to his responsibilities at Fannin Terrace Baptist Church, being in a cover band is a fun and creative endeavor, Tung says.

“My favorite part about being in a cover band is the camaraderie with the bandmates. We push each other to play better together as one unit rather than as separate individuals. As a Worship Minister, I primarily play worship music in church. Although worship music is really fulfilling, my creativity and expression are fulfilled by playing in the cover band.”

What is Tung’s advice for current students looking to become musicians?

“Practice, practice, practice. Hard work trumps natural talent every time. But having natural talent doesn't hurt! Remember: You never know where you're going to end up or who you're going to work for, so be nice to everyone in school. You may need their help to get your foot in the door in the future, so don't be a jerk. And don't compromise your convictions for any amount of money. It's just not worth losing who you are.”