September 11, 2023

YCP@Work: Alexandra Nornhold 's16, The Pullo Center


Alexandra Nornhold is a 2016 graduate of York College of Pennsylvania. She holds a B.A. in Professional Writing and Theatre from the College, and primarily works as a stagehand at The Pullo Center on the campus of Penn State York.

What Made You Choose to Pursue A Degree in This Field?

A long love of collaborative storytelling and a desire to have a constantly changing work environment.

Describe A Typical Day on The Job.

There really isn't a typical day for me. Depending on the projects I'm working on and my job on each project, I can spend a full day setting up equipment for a concert or a rehearsal, or I can be in production meetings and updating paperwork before running a rehearsal or operating a lighting board for a performance. This variability is one of the major appeals of this career for me.

How Have You Used Your York College Education Since Graduating?

I use both of my degrees on a daily basis. The Professional Writing major was a lovely addition to the Theatre major, as I am frequently preparing documents and files for a production team and communicating with actors. The knowledge I obtained as a Theatre major provided a solid foundation for my continued work as a stagehand, stage manager, and lighting designer.

What Is Most Challenging About A Career in This Field?

People. There are so many different personalities on every production, and I can work with a person once or for a full year (or longer). It's a constant roulette of personalities, and being able to interact with them all in a way that keeps every project moving forward can be a struggle.

What Do You Like Best About Your Career?

The variability. No two days are ever really the same and my job duties can change with each project.

What Advice Would You Have For A Student Who is Just Starting Out in This Major?

Get comfortable talking with people. So much of this career is making connections. Every production is a group project, and being able to communicate well with others will only help your career.