Campus Directory

Showing 7 results
Craig Bauer
Craig Bauer, Ph.D.
Professor, Mathematics Math Club Faculty Advisor
Kinsley School of Engineering, Sciences and Technology
Frederick Butler
Frederick Butler, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Mathematics
Kinsley School of Engineering, Sciences and Technology
Virgil Ganescu
Virgil C. Ganescu, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Kinsley School of Engineering, Sciences and Technology
David Kaplan
David R. Kaplan, Ph.D.
Chair, Mathematics and Applied Sciences Department
Associate Professor, Mathematics
Kinsley School of Engineering, Sciences and Technology
Joell Raab
Joell Raab
Instructor, Mathematics
Kinsley School of Engineering, Sciences and Technology
Haiping Yuan
Haiping Yuan, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Mathematics
Kinsley School of Engineering, Sciences and Technology
Benjamin Zile
Benjamin Zile
Instructor, Math & Applied Sciences
Kinsley School of Engineering, Sciences and Technology