A stone monument that resembles prayer hands with a brass bell in-between them. Winter setting with snow on the ground and trees.

Spiritual Life

Creating an inclusive and holistic experience for students.

Embracing Culture and Faith

At York College, we celebrate diverse faith traditions, providing students with opportunities for personal growth, reflection, and community engagement. We believe that fostering an inclusive environment where students of all backgrounds can explore and share their spiritual beliefs encourages dialogue, deepens understanding, and shapes collaboration among different perspectives.

A Place For Everyone

With a number of faith-based student organizations, York fosters spiritual development through fellowship, service, and community.

Newman Club (Catholic Campus Ministry)

The York College Catholic Newman Club is a community of students who help each other to grow by using their gifts to spread love in our community and the world through worship, service, study, prayer, leadership, and the promotion of justice and peace.


Hillel is a national organization that offers spiritual guidance and other activities for students of the Jewish faith. The York College chapter maintains Jewish traditions with a variety of on-campus activities and holiday celebrations.

Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship

Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship is an evangelical campus mission. Students gather at small group Bible studies, large gatherings on campus, leadership training, conferences, and events. Affiliated with Inter-Varsity are the groups Athletes for Christ and Christian Nurses.

Habitat for Humanity

The York College chapter is a student organization that partners with York Habitat for Humanity, a nonprofit, non-denominational Christian ministry that helps to build homes with families in need. The group has workdays and organizes other social events.

Young Life National Christian Organization

Young Life is a non-denominational Christian organization that focuses on outreach and engagement. It seeks to build meaningful relationships with young people through sharing the message of Christianity in a relatable and inclusive way.

A group of student sitting in front of Broucher Chapel in the spring.

Brougher Chapel and Services

York offers chapel services that provide moments of reflection and spiritual connection. These services are open to all students, providing a welcoming space for individuals to explore their faith, connect with others, and find solace in a supportive community. It is also a space for religious activities, meditation, meetings, counseling, and other faith-based events.

  • Catholic Mass takes place during the academic year on Sundays at 3 p.m. at Brougher Chapel (behind the softball fields).
  • Confessions are also available before Mass at 2 p.m. at Brougher Chapel.
  • Adoration is offered on Thursdays at 4:30 p.m. at Brougher Chapel.
  • All students, faculty, and staff are invited.
The Gordon Center for Jewish Student Life

The Doris and Bernard Gordon Center for Jewish Student Life

The Gordon Center serves as a gathering place for all students, faculty, and staff who would like to learn more about Jewish traditions and culture.  Whether it means coming together to celebrate Shabbat, piloting new social justice initiatives, learning to bake Challah, or hanging out with friends, the Gordon Center provides an environment where students share new perspectives and build community together in a relaxed atmosphere.

Meet the Spiritual Life Staff

View All Staff
Reverend Lisa Hair
Reverend Lisa A. Hair, B.A., M.Div.
Spiritual Life
Julianna Orkin
Julianna Orkin
Coordinator of Jewish Student
Gordon Center for Jewish Student Life
Ileana Feistritzer
Ileana Feistritzer
Associate Director, Catholic Campus Ministry
Spiritual Life