Amanda Rich, Ph.D.

Amanda Rich
School of Behavioral Sciences and Education
Assistant Professor, Behavioral Science/Sociology
Contact Information
Appell Life Sciences, Room 325

Meet Amanda Rich


  • B.A., University of Delaware
  • M.A., Teachers College, Columbia University
  • Ph.D., University of Delaware


  • Introduction to Sociology
  • Theory and Policy for the Human Service Professional
  • Human Services Techniques
  • Program Design and Evaluation

Research Interests

  • Rich, A. J., Bailey, C. & Eidelman, S. (2012, June). Leadership development in the ID/DD field: Too important to leave to chance. Paper accepted at the AAIDD Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC.
  • Rich, A. J., Bailey, C. & Eidelmen, S. (2011, October). Authentic leadership training as a vehicle for community inclusion. Paper presented at the US-Nordic International Conference on Intellectual Disabilities, Minot, ND.
  • Rich, A. & Eidelman, S. (2011, May). Support of humanity and fairness in public policies that impact people with developmental disabilities and their families: Historical developments and implications. Paper presented at the Marion Steel Symposium, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.
  • Rich, A.J., Bailey, C., DiGregorio, N. & Perkins, K. (2011, May). Online and connected: The power of social media within two social change movements. Poster presented at the Marion Steel Symposium, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.


  • College of Education and Human Development Panel of Outstanding Graduate Students, University of Delaware, May 2011
  • Second place graduate paper Marion Steel Symposium, University of Delaware, May 2011
  • First place graduate paper Marion Steele Symposium, University of Delaware, May 2009
  • First place graduate paper Marion Steele Symposium, University of Delaware, May 2008

Recent Publications

  • Unger, D. G. & Rich, A. J. (forthcoming). Parenting as prevention. In T.P., Gullota & M. Bloom (Eds). Encyclopedia of primary prevention and health promotion. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers: New York, NY.
  • Settles, B. H., Zhao, J., Doneker Mancini, K., Rich, A. J, Pierre, S., Oduo, A. (2009). Grandparents caring for their grandchildren: Emerging rolls and exchanges in a global perspective. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 40, 827-850.