Ashley J. Earle, Ph.D.

Ashley Earle
Kinsley School of Engineering, Sciences and Technology
Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Contact Information
Kinsley Engineering Center, Room 111

Meet Ashley J. Earle


  • Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University
  • B.S., Chemical Engineering, Lafayette College
  • B.A., International Affairs, Lafayette College


  • Systems Modeling
  • Instrumentation Lab

Research Interests

  • Tissue Engineering
  • Cell-Material Interactions
  • Neuromuscular Disease Mechanism


  • Cornell University Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Publication Fellow, 2018
  • Cornell University BME Department Outstanding TA Award, 2017
  • NSF GAANN Fellowship, 2015
  • NSF GK 12 Fellowship, 2014
  • NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP), 2013-2017

Recent Publications

  • Earle A, Kirby TJ, Fedorchak GR, Isermann P, Patel J, Iruvanti SK, Bonne G, Steven Moore, Wallrath L, and Lammerding J. Mutant lamins cause mechanically-induced nuclear envelope rupture and DNA damage in skeletal muscle cells, Nature Materials, under revision August 2019.
  • Earle A, A How to Guide to Designing a Puzzle Based Escape Room for your Classroom, CourseSource, Accepted March 2019.
  • Kaminski A, Fedorchak GR, Lammerding J. 2014, The cellular mastermind(?) - mechanotransduction and the nucleus, Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci. 126: 157-203.
  • Fedorchak GR, Kaminski A, Lammerding J. 2014, Cellular mechanosensing: Getting to the nucleus of it all, Prog Biophys Mol Biol. 115(2-3): 76-92.
  • Sefcik LS, Kaminski A, Ling K, Laschewsky A, Lutz JF, Wischerhoff E. 2013, Effects of PEGBased Thermoresponsive Polymer Brushes on Fibroblast Spreading and Gene Expression. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering. 6(3): 287-298.

Recent Presentations

  • Earle A, Zheng H, Modi S, Sadikin F, Spektor R, Soloway P, Lammerding J. Extracellular Matrix Derived from Mice with Lamin A/C mutations causing Muscular Dystrophy lead to Alterations in Muscle Differentiation and Maturation. ASCB National Conference, San Diego CA, December 2018.
  • Earle A, Holyoak D, Williams K. A two-stage homework system reinforces conceptual learning and can be effectively scaled up to larger class sizes with an on-line grading platform. ASCB National Conference, San Diego CA, December 2018.
  • Earle A, Fedorchak GR, Kirby TJ, Lammerding J. Lamin mutations linked to muscular disease result in mechanically-induced, progressive nuclear envelope rupture and DNA damage in muscle fibers. ASCB National Conference, Philadelphia, PA, December 2018.
  • Sadikin F, Kaminski-Earle A, Lammerding J. Analysis of Extracellular Matrix in Mice with Muscular Dystrophy and its Effect on Myoblast Function, BMES National Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October 2016.
  • Kaminski- Earle A, Eisenberger A, Kanetkar N, Mount M, Kwon J, Kirby TJ, Lammerding J. Determining The Role Of Stem Cells In Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy Caused By Lamin Mutations BMES National Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October 2016.

Professional Association

  • Biomedical Engineering Society
  • American Society for Cell Biology