Victor Fields

Victor Fields
School of the Arts, Communication and Global Studies
YCPrep Faculty - Piano
Contact Information
Wolf Hall, Room 206

Meet Victor Fields


  • B.M., Mansfield University
  • M.M., The Peabody Conservatory of Music
  • M.M., University of Cincinnati


  • The Hines Organ Award, Peabody Conservatory
  • The Strader organ scholarship, Cincinnati Conservatory
  • The Harrisburg AGO Chapter Cassel organ scholarship
  • First Prize, Baltimore Chapter, American Guild of Organists National Young Artists competition
  • "Outstanding Dedication" to the York Community and the art of music from the Senate of Pennsylvania for contributions to Temple Beth Israel

Recent Performances

  • Featured Organ soloist, York Symphony Orchestra, Saint-Saens, Symphony No. 3 "Organ Symphony", 2013


  • Vice President of the Matinee Musical Club of York


  • Music Director and Organist, St. Paul's Lutheran Church
  • Pianist and Organist, Temple Beth Israel
  • Associate Conductor and Accompanist, Harrisburg Choral Society
  • Adjunct Professor of Music, Mount Saint Mary's University, Emmitsburg, MD