Campus Directory

Showing 51 results
Jessica Nolan
Jessica Nolan, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Biology
Kinsley School of Engineering, Sciences and Technology
Bobbi Patton
Bobbi Patton, D.P.T.
Director, Clinical Allied Health Programs
Instructor, Biology
Kinsley School of Engineering, Sciences and Technology
Dora Peelen
Dora Peelen, Ph.D.
Instructor, Chemistry
Kinsley School of Engineering, Sciences and Technology
Joell Raab
Joell Raab
Instructor, Mathematics
Kinsley School of Engineering, Sciences and Technology
David Singleton
David Singleton, Ph.D.
Biological Sciences Department Associate Professor, Biology
Kinsley School of Engineering, Sciences and Technology
Jason Smith
Jason Smith, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Environmental Horticulture
Kinsley School of Engineering, Sciences and Technology
William Steel
William H. Steel, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Chemistry
Kinsley School of Engineering, Sciences and Technology
Yargo Teixeira Gomes de Melo
Yargo Teixeira Gomes de Melo
Assistant Professor
Kinsley School of Engineering, Sciences and Technology
Monica Thomas
Monica Thomas, M.S.
Senior Administrative Assistant
Kinsley School of Engineering, Sciences and Technology