April 2, 2024

Getting to Know Yo(u)rk: What are the benefits of living on campus?

By Emma Simpson '23

We posed that question to Nick Barry ’26 from Monrovia, MD, and Alyssa Nelson ’26 from Clements, MD. Read about their experiences with living on campus and why it’s a beneficial experience students should consider.

Nick Barry ’26, Accounting Major

What is your year and how long have you lived on campus?

I am a second-semester first-year, so I’ve been living in Manor East for about six-ish months. I really love it!

What are the benefits of living on campus?

Beyond the convenience of not having to drive to classes, I get the opportunity to practice living on my own away from home. I also get a better experience when getting to know fellow students since we all live together. I really enjoy the ability to continue meeting new people and making friends. With all of the recreational areas on campus, even in the dining hall, it’s easy to strike up a conversation with new faces no matter where you are on campus. I find it as a great way to diversify myself while also prepping for life after college.

What is your favorite part of living on campus?

My favorite part of living on campus is having the college experience when it comes to living on my own with a roommate. I get to have an experience that's away from home, but not entirely too far. 

What surprised you about living on campus?

I was super surprised about all of the interaction between students and staff on campus. Everyone is extremely friendly and easy to get along with, which wasn't something I had seen on trips to other school campuses.

What helps you feel at home while living on campus? 

My ability to put up LEGO sets and layout game displays is something I really appreciate doing, as it reminds me a lot of home.

Alyssa Nelson ’25, Computer Science Engineering Major

What is your year and how long have you lived on campus?

I am a second year. I have lived on campus for four semesters now. I have been an RA in Northside Commons for two of those semesters. 

What are the benefits of living on campus?

The benefits of living on campus is the easy access to most, if not all, spaces on campus at any time, being close to friends, feelings of independence and living on my own in a completely new space, and always making new memories. 

What is your favorite part of living on campus?

My favorite part about living on campus is being close to friends and study buddies. I can easily connect with other students to either hang out or study with people. This also allows me to become more involved in the community.

What surprised you about living on campus?

Something that surprised me while living on campus was just how much I'm not in my dorm. I always saw myself as a homebody girl who would just chill in the dorm and not go anywhere. I love my alone time and being antisocial, but I'm always somewhere else on campus. Studying, hanging out, eating, or just walking around. It's amazing!

What helps you feel at home while living on campus? 

Having photos of my family and friends from back home helps me feel at home while living on campus. I can see their faces when I'm feeling homesick. Another thing is finding ways to make recipes I enjoy at home more dorm-friendly so they can be made in my room or in the common kitchen. It's not entirely the same but a good reminder of home.