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New Experiential Course Offered During 2022 J-Term Partners Students with HP Inc.


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New Experiential Course Offered During 2022 J-Term Partners Students with HP Inc.

August 10, 2021

A new 2022 J-Term course will offer students in any major an experiential learning opportunity through a partnership with HP Inc.

“Global Entrepreneurship: Solving Next Generation Problems in International Business” engages students in an intensive, five-day exploration of entrepreneurship facilitated by a range of entrepreneurs and successful business leaders from around the world. Building on a combination of lectures, panel discussions, and daily enrichment exercises, students will be challenged to put theory into practice in collaborative real-world settings.

Using the Google-developed SPRINT method, students will be placed in teams and briefed on a current business challenge presented by the widely recognized global corporation HP Inc. (formerly Hewlett-Packard). Over the course of the five days, teams will employ the SPRINT methodology to break down the challenge, ideate, make strategic decisions, prototype, test and ultimately pitch a potential solution to HP. In addition, teams will be assigned a dedicated team coach, who will be an experienced professional, to help them work through the challenge and finetune their solution. The winning team will be awarded a prize from HP and the potential to present their solution to members of HP’s senior leadership team.

“Regardless of the outcome, the course offers the added value of lectures and masterclasses by entrepreneurs and business leaders from around the world, as well as mentoring from a seasoned team coach,” said Provost Laura Niesen de Abruña. 

“This course presents a win-win situation for York College and for HP,” said Nick Delener, Dean of the Graham School of Business. “Our students have the opportunity for a project-based learning experience that could earn them prize money, and HP Inc. is a great name to include on a résumé. HP gets some great ideas generated by students who participate.” 

For more information, contact Dr. Delener at ndelener@ycp.edu.

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