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Office Space: Kim Fahle Peck, Director of the Writing Center


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Office Space: Kim Fahle Peck, Director of the Writing Center

August 17, 2022

The way a person decorates can say a lot about them. In the Office Space series, we go beyond the résumé and get to know York College faculty and staff members through the objects they like to keep close.

Kim Fahle Peck is the Writing Center Director at York College. A lifelong lover of reading and writing, having a job where she gets to help people work on their writing is a dream come true for her. She fell in love with writing center work while in graduate school at the University of Delaware, and she loves working with the peer and professional tutors, seeing them build connections with writers and helping them achieve their goals. Kim's scholarly research focuses on writing center work and online writing instruction. When not working, Kim enjoys reading, hiking, yoga, and rooting for the Boston Red Sox.

1. Dissertation Award

Peck was the award recipient of the Computers and Composition Hugh Burns Best Dissertation Award in 2019. Her research focused on classroom interaction within and effective instructional strategies for classes delivered via synchronous videoconference. She completed this research before the COVID-19 pandemic made videoconferencing ubiquitous in education, and she is thankful for how this research prepared her to work with students virtually during online and Hyflex learning during the pandemic. 

2. Crocheted Stuffed Cat

This cat was made for Peck by a peer writing tutor, Beck Liberatore '21, after the passing of her father in fall 2020. Beck made this particular animal to honor Peck’s own black cat, Jacoby. She has consistently been “blown away by the care and thoughtfulness of the student tutors” she has worked with, and this cat reminds her not just of Beck, but the other amazing students whom she has had the privilege to build relationships with.

3. Quote Clipboards

On her wall, Peck has hung two important inspirational quotes. One is the now famous "nevertheless she persisted," which reminds her to push through and do what she knows is right even when things are hard. The second, "no power in the 'verse can stop me," is less well-known and comes from the short-lived TV show Firefly, which is one of her favorites. 

4. Racing Medals

When Peck finished her master's and wasn't sure what she would do next, she needed a goal she could work toward, so she started running. She has completed several half-marathons, sprint-triathlons, and a 200-mile team relay race. Though she doesn’t run as much these days, the medals remind her of what she can accomplish when she sets her mind to something and works hard.

5. Mill Photograph

This photo was taken by Peck’s husband, Mike. It was taken from her hometown in Westford, Massachusetts. It's a reminder and a little piece of where she grew up.  


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