July 3, 2024

Office Space: Mady Sharp, Associate Director of Admissions


The way a person decorates can say a lot about them. In the Office Space series, we go beyond the résumé and get to know York College faculty and staff members through the objects they like to keep close.

She was born and raised in York County, where her lineage dates back to the Revolutionary War. Sharp’s family has owned and operated a food service business, Myers Salads and Pastries, since 1921. She graduated in 2022 with a B.A. in educational studies from Millersville University and was a member of the cheerleading team. She is currently working toward a Master of Public Policy and Administration degree at York College. Sharp serves as an Associate Director of Admissions, which gives her the opportunity to recruit students and plan major enrollment events. She is also the faculty advisor for the College’s Gamma Iota chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau.

A OCNJ lifeboat on a desk.

1. OCNJ Lifeboat

The beach is absolutely my favorite place to be, as most of my office decor reflects. My family has visited Ocean City, NJ, every summer for as long as I can remember. My mom has a tradition of taking a photo of my sister and me in front of the lifeboat each year, and when I landed my first job out of college (this one), my mom bought me a miniature version to keep on my desk.

Eight photos hung up on a tan wall.

2. Photo Wall

I have a collage of photos including my friends, family, and teammates hung where I can see them every day. They are so important to me, and I am reminded of how lucky I am to have them in my life! I have a huge, blended family, and there is never a dull moment. I have had the same group of girlfriends since middle school. Even 15 years later, we still talk every day and vacation together every summer.

A fake areca palm in the corner of an office space.

3. Fake Areca Palm

I LOVE plants and the color green, but I have the opposite of a green thumb. I cannot keep a plant alive no matter how hard I try, so I keep fake ones around. The plus side is I get to decorate with my favorite tropical plants, which would not survive in this climate.

A Fall Out Boy painting hanging inside an office space.

4. Fall Out Boy Painting

My biggest personal accomplishment is the number of concerts I have seen. I have been to 100+ concerts so far, and I don't plan on stopping any time soon. Fall Out Boy is my all-time favorite band, and my younger cousin painted their emblem for me as a gift to "match my office." It's my favorite piece of art I've ever received.

3 photos of grandparents hanging on a tan wall.

5. Collage of my Grandparents

My grandparents mean the world to me! I remember waking up early on the weekends to help my Pap prepare for the holidays in the shop when the family business got busy. My Grammy was a teacher for 35+ years and was my biggest inspiration growing up. She was featured in her college's newspaper for her style and philanthropy when she was a student. I keep their photos here to remind me of the strong foundation and work ethic that I come from; I hope that I make them proud!