April 2, 2024

YCP@Work: Lauren Pizza, the Country Club of York


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YCP@Work: Lauren Pizza, The Country Club of York

May 17, 2022

Lauren Pizza graduated with a B.S. in Hospitality Management from York College in 2021. She is currently working for The Country Club of York.

What made you choose to pursue a degree in this field? 

When I was 15, I got my first job as a lifeguard at a country club. I really enjoyed forming bonds with the membership and ended up returning to work at that club for six summers and did my first internship there.

How have you used your York College education since graduating?

I use things I learned during my summer work experience almost every day at work.

What is most challenging about a career in this field? 

The most challenging thing about working in hospitality is the workday schedule. When you work in hospitality, it’s very common to start work when everyone else is getting off for the day. It is definitely not a 9-5 job.

What do you like best about your career?

The best thing about my career is forming bonds with members every day at work. When working in country clubs, you see the same members weekly and it gives you a great opportunity to make connections.

What advice would you have for a student who is just starting out in this major?

The best advice I could give is to make sure to take your work experience seriously and explore the different branches of hospitality to find what you like best. Hospitality is a lot more than just hotels.

Learn More About YCP's Hospitality Management Major


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