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YCP@Work: Tanner Fox, Content Editor at Valnet


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YCP@Work: Tanner Fox, Content Editor at Valnet

July 14, 2022

Tanner Fox graduated from York College in 2017 with a B.A. in Professional Writing. He currently works as a Content Editor for the Canadian company, Valnet.

What made you choose to pursue a career in this field?

Cliché as it sounds, I’ve just always had a passion for writing. I’m also pretty passionate about preserving the human element in the world of digital content production; creating (Search Engine Optimization) SEO-friendly content is a major part of what I do, but it’s important to walk the line between efficient content that shows up in search results and worthwhile content with which readers can connect.

How have you used your York College education since graduating?

YCP’s Writing Program certainly helped me to strengthen my abilities and confidence as a writer, but I’ve also gotten quite a bit out of miscellaneous classes for which I, at the time, didn’t see an immediate use. Much of the content I help to produce deals with pop culture, and the background knowledge I’d attained from courses such as film and American History has been surprisingly useful.

What is most challenging about a career in this field?

To be totally honest, I find working from home to be surprisingly challenging. I know that’s something to which most of us are accustomed these days, but spending every workday in your own home office can get to be a bit maddening after a while.

What do you like best about your career?

The simple fact that I get to produce written content that’s read by others. I don’t imagine that I’ll ever become a famed novelist or journalist, but writing for an audience of any kind feels rewarding.

What advice would you have for a student who is just starting out in this major?

SEO is extremely important, and, since most professional writers will deal with content that’s meant for online publication, learning the ins and outs of SEO is vital. I’d also recommend learning some basic web coding; experience with that sort of thing would look great on a résumé. 


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