October 5, 2022

York College of PA Humanities Series Focuses on Medical Humanities, Opens With Oct. 11 Talk


York College of Pennsylvania will host Florida State University professor Tana Welch to discuss “Narrative Medicine and Patient-Centered Care” at 7 p.m., Oct. 11, in DeMeester Recital Hall, Wolf Hall. The event is open to the public free of charge.

Her talk is part of the annual Humanities series, which is focused this year on medical humanities. Medical humanities brings to scientific medicine a rich variety of understandings of health, illness, community values, analyses of different approaches to health care delivery, and examines the relationships among technology, meaningful care, and policy.  

Welch is a poet and scholar of contemporary American poetry and medical humanities. She received her Ph.D. in English from Florida State in 2013, specializing in American poetics, feminist science studies, posthumanism, and new materialism.

In addition to teaching, she serves as the director of the Chapman Humanities and Arts in Medicine Program. She is also managing editor for HEAL: Humanism Evolving through Arts and Literature. Her work has been published in MELUS, The Journal of Ecocriticism, and Academic Medicine. Her poetry has been published in The Colorado Review, The Southern Review, Prairie Schooner, The Gettysburg Reviews, and other national literary journals. Her first collection of poetry, Latest Volcano, was the winner of the 2015 Marsh Hawk Press Poetry Prize.