The Gunter-Smith Center for Community Engagement building.

Generations of Hope

A Generations of Hope student.

Building relationships that matter.

Generations of Hope is a group-based mentorship program that inspires local middle school students and York College college students to serve as leaders, mentors, and changemakers in their communities. 

Every other week, middle-school GOH students from Jackson K-8 and McKinley K-8 visit the York College campus for an afternoon of exciting activities, engaging guest speakers, group mentorship opportunities, homework help, field trips, and dinner in YCP's dining hall! These activities are led by York College student leaders, and the GOH program is coordinated by the Center for Community Engagement. 

The central goal of Generations of Hope is to increase the rate of York City students who experience success in their K-12 educational experience and who consider post-secondary education opportunities. The GOH program focuses on the following learning areas:

  • Life skills
  • Peer mentorship & leadership
  • Community engagement & civic responsibility
  • Equity & inclusion
  • Career exploration
  • Post-secondary education opportunities
  • Academic successBuilding relationships that matter.
Two students converse sitting on a bench.

Hear from the Mentors

Want to know more about how Generations of Hope works?

The videos below explain how Generations of Hope works, what the program has been like in the past and what it may be like in the future, how students that come from York feel about Generations of Hope, what you will achieve as part of Generations of Hope, and how you can get involved.

Program Details

Generations of Hope aims to help the students we serve grow in four fundamental areas:

  1. Care for self: This care is all about finding inner peace and security. GOH students learn about things such as health and wellness, financial management, and personal safety.
  2. Care for others: This care is centered on seeing the needs of others and meeting them. GOH students learn about things such as disability and accessibility, providing assistance in medical emergencies, and teamwork.
  3. Care for the future: This care focuses on aspirations and goals. GOH students learn about topics related to educational opportunities, finding a successful career, and reaching new personal goals.
  4. Care for the community: This care helps GOH students discover their community’s needs and how they can be a partner in  meeting those needs. Students learn about what makes York special, what York needs from young people, and how they fit into the larger community.
  • YCP students: Interested in becoming a Generations of Hope student leader? Contact us at
  • YCP faculty and staff: Interested in being a guest speaker, or inviting GOH students to join one of your classes for a day? Contact us at
  • Local organizations and partners: Interested in being a guest speaker, or hosting a Generations of Hope field trip at your location? Contact us at
  • Donors, philanthropists, & grant providers: Interested in supporting the Generations of Hope program through a charitable donation or grant opportunity? Contact us at
  • Schools in the York City School District: Generations of Hope is currently designed to support 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students who attend Jackson K-8 and McKinley K-8 schools. However, we are open to expanding this partnership in the future to additional York City School District schools that enroll 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students! Is your institution interested in partnering? Contact us at
  • Higher education institutions: Interested in learning more about how you can launch a program in your area using the Generations of Hope model?  Contact us at

Center for Community Engagement Staff

View All Staff
Hunter Conrad
Hunter Conrad
Senior Administrative Assistant, Center for Community Engagement
Center for Community Engagement
Rebekah Eyre
Rebekah Eyre
Director of Operations
Center for Community Engagement
Kristie Houck
Kristie Houck
MPPA Scholar-in-Residence
Center for Community Engagement