Middle States Accreditation Process

Middle States Self-Study

Middle States Commission on Higher Education Accreditation Process

York College of Pennsylvania is fully accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), an institutional accreditor recognized by the United States Department of Education (USDE) that serves as an independent voice in higher education. MSCHE establishes equitable standards for accreditation with member institutions that promote educational excellence through innovation across diverse institutions. 

Every eight years, an internal reaccreditation team examines York College of Pennsylvania to evaluate how it meets MSCHE standards of excellence, and writes a comprehensive report that demonstrates the institution’s compliance with seven standards for accreditation and fifteen requirements of affiliation. In fall 2022, York College of Pennsylvania began the process of self-review and evaluation, laying the groundwork for the college’s self-study and accreditation review by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education in 2024-25.

Overview of the MSCHE Self-Study Process

To begin the self-study process, York College formed a Steering Committee to develop a Self-Study Design to guide institutional research and reporting. This document functions as an outline for the larger self-study and includes working group team members, a clear timeline, and institutional priorities and intended outcomes for the self-study process.

Each self-study must have priorities that focus on institutional improvement, relate to the institution’s mission, and align with at least one of the MSCHE standards of affiliation. York College of Pennsylvania has identified the following institutional priorities that will be evaluated through the self-study process. These priorities are based on the five goals of the College’s Strategic Plan 2.0.

  1. Promote academic excellence through innovation and experiential learning in order to develop students as career-ready professionals.
  2. Develop the infrastructure and programs to recruit, support, and retain a robust and diverse student body.
  3. Create a fiscally responsible and sustainable future true to the College’s mission.

Self-Study Outcomes

In addition to priorities, York College has identified several intended outcomes for what the College plans to achieve through the self-study process. The first three outcomes are determined by Middle States; the remaining outcomes were chosen to help the College benefit from the resources invested in the self-study process. 

Outcomes Required by Middle States

  1. To be re-accredited by the MSCHE by demonstrating that York College meets the Commission’s Standards for Accreditation and Requirements of Affiliation 
  2. To demonstrate our commitment to continuous improvement in the attainment of YCP’s Mission, goals, and institutional priorities
  3. To engage the YCP community in an inclusive and transparent self-appraisal that includes members from all areas of the institutional community, and which is characterized by consistent communication and opportunities for input and feedback

Outcomes Identified by York College

  1. To examine opportunities for expanding and supporting the college’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion across all areas of the college
  2. To provide the institution with a resource for informing the development of the next college Strategic Long Range Plan and other planning processes, and for making data-informed decisions
  3. To further embed the culture of assessment in the college, including improved assessment at the School, department, academic program, and administrative unit level; and improved data collection, management, access, and analysis

A Steering Committee will oversee the self-study process for York College and will coordinate the efforts of the Working Groups during the two-year review and evaluation of the College’s programs, practices, and policies relevant to their Middle States Standard. Data collection and analysis will be facilitated by the Co-Chairs and the Data Manager. The Co-Chairs will serve as the primary editors of the Self-Study Design and Self-Study report. 

The following members constitute the Steering Committee:

  • Co-Chair, Middle States Accreditation
    Kay McAdams - Associate Professor of History, Director of General Education
  • Co-Chair, Middle States Accreditation
    Erin Titter - Director of Advancement Services
  • MSCHE Accreditation Liaison Officer
    Patrice DiQuinzio - Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Data Manager
    Steve Jacob - Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness and Professor of Behavioral Sciences and Sociology
  • Chair, Working Group for Standard I
    Sung Wook Paik - Associate Professor of Political Science
  • Chair, Working Group for Standard II
    David Singleton - Associate Professor of Biology
  • Chair, Working Group for Standard III
    William Steel - Associate Professor of Chemistry
  • Chair, Working Group for Standard IV
    Stephanie Perago - Coordinator of Undeclared Student Advising
  • Chair, Working Group for Standard V
    Gabriel Cutrufello - Associate Professor of Communication and Writing, Chair of Communication and Writing
  • Chair, Working Group for Standard VI
    Fred Becker - Associate Professor of Hospitality Management, Director of Hospitality and Tourism Management
  • Chair, Working Group for Standard VII
    Rory Kraft - Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Chair of Arts and Humanities

York College of Pennsylvania has developed a timeline for the Middle State Self-Study Accreditation process. All major deadlines and milestones are included in this timeline.

Fall Semester 2022

  • Select Self-Study Co-Chairs
  • Participate in MSCHE Self-Study Institute
  • Assemble Steering Committee and develop Working Group Chair and teams charges, Self-Study timeline, and draft priorities and outcomes
  • Inform campus constituents about self study process and goals
  • Develop communication plan and evidence inventory

Spring Semester 2023

January - February

  • Select working group members, including students
  • Finalize priorities and outcomes with broad campus input
  • Develop evidence inventory guidelines and structure and build evidence storage site
  • Meet remotely with MSCHE staff liaison
  • Develop lines of inquiry for each Working Group

March - April

  • Begin to populate evidence inventory
  • Draft Self-Study Design and share with campus constituents for feedback
  • Launch YCP’s website for the MSCHE self-study process


  • Host virtual forum on the Self-Study Design and self-study process
  • Revise Self-Study Design based on feedback
  • Submit complete draft Self-Study Design to MSCHE

Fall Semester 2023

August - December

  • Submit revised Self-Study Design to MSCHE
  • Host MSCHE liaison Self-Study Prep Visit to campus (September)
  • Meet monthly with Steering Committee and Working Groups
  • Gather and analyze data to draft answers to lines of inquiry
  • Submit answers to lines of inquiry to Steering Committee and revise based on feedback

Spring Semester 2024


  • Self-Study Evaluation Team Chair chosen by MSCHE and receives the self study design plan
  • Choose Evaluation Team Chair visit dates
  • Submit draft reports for each Standard to the Steering Committee

February - March

  • Meet monthly with Steering Committee and Working Groups
  • Develop recommendations for institutional improvement for each Standard
  • Submit answers to lines of inquiry to Steering Committee and revise based on feedback
  • Revise reports for each Standard and submit final reports to the Steering Committee


  • Draft Self-Study report
  • Share Self-Study with Peer Editing Team


  • Revise Self-Study report based on Peer Editing Team feedback

Fall Semester 2024


  • Share revised Self-Study with campus community
  • Host campus-wide forum on Self-Study draft

September - November

  • Submit revised Self Study report to MSCHE Evaluation Team Chair
  • Host MSCHE Evaluation Team Chair visit


  • Incorporate Evaluation Team Chair feedback into Self-Study report and finalize report

Spring Semester 2025


  • Submit final documents to MSCHE portal including Self-Study Report, Verification of Compliance, and Evidence Inventory
  • Host Self-Study Evaluation Team Visit to Campus
  • Review Self-Study Evaluation Team Report


  • Write institutional Response to Evaluation Team Report

Summer or Fall Semester 2025

  • MSCHE meets to determine action on college accreditation status

The Self-Study Design is a document developed by York College that guides the self-study process. It serves many purposes, including the following:

  • Provides a blueprint for the self-study process, including the approach, analysis, priorities, and outcomes of the final Self-Study Report.
  • Enables the Steering Committee and Working Groups to conceptualize and organize their work appropriately so that they may draft thorough reports for each standard of accreditation of the self-study.
  • Ensures that the institution is providing accurate and relevant data about the institution for accreditation purposes.