The canals of Venice run through an area with multistory buildings lining the streets.

Get Started with Study Abroad

Study Abroad can be one of the most rewarding experiences in your college career — but before you take off, it's important to have the appropriate documentation, academic considerations, and other paperwork in order.

Steps for a Successful Study Abroad Experience

Taking care of these steps in advance of your trip will facilitate a seamless travel experience and make sure your degree progress remains on-track. 

Determine Goals and Feasibility

  • Establish personal and academic goals for study abroad.
  • Determine how study abroad will fit in your program of study and run CAPP degree evaluation.
  • Meet with your academic advisor to discuss your academic plan.
  • Decide on the length of your study abroad (short-term, summer, semester, or year).

Research available programs to determine which Study Abroad opportunities work best for you. Explore short-term and semester-long options, academic experiences specific to certain majors, and locations around the globe! 

  • Select country in which you wish to study abroad
  • Research and choose program that best meets your criteria
  • Consider cost and expenses 
  • Meet with Study Abroad Center
Find a Program

The following policies are in accordance with the Education Abroad Standards of Good Practice and address the standard of conduct which those representing York College abroad should meet.

Residency Requirement

All study abroad programs approved by the College fall within the Residency Requirement necessary for a student’s degree requirement and will be accepted as part of the final 30 credit hours of a student’s coursework.

Minimum GPA Policy

York College requires that all students studying abroad have at least a 2.5 GPA AND meet the minimum GPA required by the specific study abroad program. There may be an appeal to the Provost on this policy.

Judicial Standing/Sanction Policy 

Participation in a study abroad program includes demonstrating an ability to abide by York College’s standards, values, and expectations as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. The Study Abroad Center requests conduct history information from Residence Life/Student Conduct Office prior to approving a study abroad application. Students with the following sanctions are not cleared for study abroad programs:

  • Students who are on disciplinary probation or suspension, subsequently students who are placed on probation or suspension before program or course departure will have their clearance revoked.
  • Students with outstanding or overdue sanctions.

Based on the nature of an individual study abroad program, the cultural and legal expectations of the program country, the program size and staffing level, the Study Abroad Center may deny a study abroad application based on additional information provided by Residence Life/Student Conduct Office. This information includes Student Code of Conduct violations related to assault, sexual misconduct, drugs, alcohol, and other misconduct of a highly disruptive nature.

Study Abroad Health Insurance Policy

Students, faculty, and guests traveling abroad on a short-term study abroad program run by York College are covered by the college’s travel health insurance policy.  Policy information is provided by the Study Abroad Center.  Students who are studying abroad as part of an exchange or affiliation agreement with York College must obtain health insurance for the duration of their study abroad. This may be a health insurance offered or recommended by the York Affiliated Institution.  

Travel Warning Policy

York College considers the current travel warning levels from the Department of State and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) to determine if travel to a country is permitted. If a country has a Level 3 warning (or lower) from the Department of State Travel Warnings or the CDC’s Travel Health Warnings, then travel is permitted. If a faculty, staff, or student group has planned for travel abroad and a Travel Warning is issued prior to departure, that travel must be canceled, even if deposits have been paid. If an individual or group has departed prior to a Travel Warning, the individual or group must return to the United States as soon as possible. Programs that involve travel to multiple countries may continue after removing from the itinerary the country that is subject to the Travel Warning. The U.S. State Department website details Travel Warnings, while the Center for Disease Control website details Travel Health Notices. Organizers may make an appeal to the Provost in regard to this policy.

COVID-19 Vaccination Policy

The United States will end its COVID-19 vaccination requirements for federal workers and international air travelers, effective May 12, 2023. For those traveling on York College of Pennsylvania sponsored travel abroad programs, we very strongly recommend that you are vaccinated against Covid-19 and that you submit proof of vaccination to the College by sending a picture of your vaccination card to the YCP Health Center at Any unvaccinated participants on College-sponsored international travel programs are required to submit to the YCP trip leader a plan for ensuring their personal health and the health of others during travel. All participants on College-sponsored international programs are required to sign an Acknowledgement of Risk of COVID-19 as well as other waivers before travel.

Apply for a Student Abroad Program

All students who plan to study abroad must apply through the York College Study Abroad Center, in addition to completing any program-specific applications. The application process will vary, depending on program type. 

Faculty-Led Short-Term Study Abroad Program Application Process

  1. Contact the faculty trip leader and attend an info session.
  2. Complete the YCP Faculty-Led Study Abroad Trip Application.
  3. Obtain passport or check to make sure your passport is still valid for 6 months after you return from your trip. Use this helpful tool to get a passport or check if your passport is up-to-date.
  4. Meet program deposit and registration deadlines.
  5. Register for the related YCP course.

External Semester, Summer, and January Study Abroad Programs and Internships Application Process

  1. Complete the YCP Semester, Summer, January Study Abroad, and International Internship Application.

    The application includes the following required documents. These may be included with the online application or emailed to All documents must be submitted as MSWord or PDF files and named according to the student's last name and the document type (e.g. Smith Study Abroad Goals Form).

    • Study Abroad Goals Form
    • Résumé (including co-curricular involvement)
    • Two letters of recommendation from York College faculty or staff that address your academic work, maturity, adaptability, and suitability for studying abroad. At least one letter must be written by a faculty member who has taught you in a YCP course.
    • Brief personal statement (250 words) explaining your interest in your chosen program and how it fits into your personal, academic, and career plans. Consider these questions:
      • How will your study abroad experience connect with your studies pre- and post-study abroad? What is the argument for pursuing these studies at your chosen university/program, and how might teaching and learning differ from teaching and learning on the YCP campus? 
      • What do you plan to do outside of the classroom to get the most out of your experience abroad?
      • How do your background and experiences shape your perceptions and interactions with the world, and how others perceive and interact with you? How might your and others' social identities impact your study abroad experience?
  2. Apply to the chosen program, following the program guidelines. 

    *Please note that if the study abroad provider requires information about student sanctions, applicants may need to complete a Student Information Release Authorization form.

  3. Obtain a passport or check to make sure your passport is still valid for 6 months after you return from your trip. 

    Use this helpful tool to get a passport or check if your passport is up-to-date.

York College of Pennsylvania Scholarships

York College has several small scholarships for semester study abroad programs and for certain faculty-led trips. Contact the Office of Financial Aid about available institutional aid for your program.  Additionally, students in one of the YCP Engaged Scholars programs should also speak with their program advisor about possible aid for study abroad.

National Scholarships

There are many scholarships and grants for studying abroad including the opportunities listed below.  Each scholarship has unique application requirements and deadlines.

Partner Provider Scholarships

Many of the study abroad providers with which YCP partners offer scholarships and flight vouchers for students participating in their programs. The award amounts vary with the duration of the program. Please note that you must apply separately for the scholarships through the provider. Each program has its own application process and deadlines.

Scholarship Databases

You can find more opportunities in these scholarship databases.

For Faculty-Led Short-Term Program Travelers 

  1. Complete the required online pre-departure orientation with Worldkind Academy.
    This online orientation has five required modules: introduction to studying abroad, safety and security, finances, health, and insurance. You must complete all five required modules to 100%.
    There are many other optional modules that you may complete, based on your travel experience and needs. 
    Self-register for your Study Abroad orientation. (click "Student Registration")
  2. Obtain print copies of prescriptions.
  3. Copy all important documents and bank/credit cards.
  4. Review packing suggestions.
  5. Sign and submit York College's Authorization and Release Forms for Study Abroad.
  6. Complete any other requirements for the YCP class.

We very strongly recommend that you are vaccinated against COVID-19 and that you submit proof of vaccination to the College by sending a picture of your vaccination card to the YCP Health Center at Any unvaccinated participants on College-sponsored international travel programs are required to submit to the YCP trip leader a plan for ensuring their personal health and the health of others during travel. All participants on College-sponsored international programs are required to sign an Acknowledgement of Risk of COVID-19 as well as other waivers before travel.

It is also recommended but not required that any student traveling internationally register with the State Department STEP program.

For External Semester, Summer, and Winter Programs and Internship Travelers

Note: If you do not already have one, you should obtain a passport as soon as you begin planning to study abroad.

  1. Contact Financial Aid Office
    • Students studying for a semester abroad should discuss their plans with the Financial Aid Office to learn what aid is available for their program.
  2. Seek approval for academic credit.
    • Obtain approval for off-campus study, if requesting academic credit for courses taken abroad.
      • This requires the student to meet with their academic advisor and the study abroad coordinator before completing this required form.  
      • Study Abroad Transfer Request Form
      • Note: Final 30-Credit Residency Requirement is waived in cases of study abroad
    • Meet with advisor with CAPP Degree Evaluation and Request for Off-Campus Study Approval Form to discuss YCP course equivalencies.  Please have a list of the classes you wish to take a broad as well as descriptions of each course, and, if possible, course syllabi
    • Submit completed Study Abroad Transfer Request Form to the Study Abroad Center with course descriptions and syllabi.
      • Note: if you are seeking GenNext credit for any course you plan to take abroad, you should notify your advisor and the Study Abroad Center when you submit the form.
    • Meet with the Registrar's Office if you have any questions about how your credits will transfer.
  3. Complete required online pre-departure orientation with Worldkind Academy.
    • This online orientation has five required modules: introduction to studying abroad, safety and security, finances, health, and insurance. You must complete all five required modules to 100%.
    • There are many other optional modules that you may complete, based on your travel experience and needs.
    • Self-register (click "Student Registration")
  4. Complete final York College requirements.
    • Sign and submit York College's Authorization and Release Forms for Study Abroad.
    • Pay the Study Abroad Fee to the Business Office if seeking academic credit. 
      • $300 for a semester program 
      • $100 for a short-term study abroad program

        The fee will appear on your student account once your request for credit transfer form has been processed.
  5. Prepare for your Study Abroad program.
    • Obtain a visa, if required.
    • Complete any provider application steps.
    • Obtain international health insurance and secure written or print copies of prescriptions.
    • Make travel arrangements.
    • Copy all important documents and bank/credit cards.
    • Research the country and culture.
    • It is recommended but not required that any student traveling internationally register with the State Department STEP program.
  6. Final Steps
    • Stay connected to your YCP email while abroad so that you don't miss important emails about registration and housing for the next semester.
    • Request that your transcript from your study abroad program be sent to the Registrar's Office at YCP at