December 1, 2023

The York Review Marks Anniversary with Special Issue, Online Archive


The York Review is marking its 30th anniversary this spring with a special issue, and its student editors have joined with the Schmidt Library archives to create an online archive of every available York College literary journal over the past 60 or so years. 

“It is in fact our 35th issue,” writes Bradyn Yerges ’25, Professional Writing major and assistant editor of The York Review website, “discovered only a few months ago by team member Amari Thompson who found issues of our literary journal dating all the way back to autumn of 1962. Gifted to the College by Mr. Ronald J. Coyle ‘63 in 1996, this first issue of The Undergraduate Literary Publication of York Junior College features eight original pieces with a mix of poetry, fiction, and a review of William Golding’s 1954 novel Lord of the Flies, and is just the start of a legacy of writers’ and editors’ contributions to York’s finest literary journal.”

The timing of the special issue couldn’t be better, as The York Review was recently awarded third place in Division II (undergrad enrollment of 3,000-9,999) for Literary Magazine of the Year by the College Media Association. 

"Unearthing and documenting the degree to which literary magazines have been an integral part of York College for longer than we’ve been a four-year institution is incredibly important literary and archival work done by this year’s student editors,” said Travis Kurowski, associate professor of creative writing and faculty advisor to The York Review. “At the same time, these students created a massive 30th anniversary print issue, produced season 13 of the Rough Draft student podcast, and published new student writing online every week. I’m continually impressed by the excellence and sheer volume of work from The York Review editors, rivaling any college or university, something this year’s CMA award recognizes. But I’m never shocked by their achievements. These students are incredible."