Faculty Resources
Student Accessibility Services is committed to assisting York College faculty and instructors in supporting students' accommodation needs.
AIM (Accessible Information Management)
AIM is management software used by Student Accessibilities Services. AIM allows professors a streamlined way to view accommodations, submit tests, and provide exam instructions as needed. Faculty can access AIM using this link and their YCP username and password.
For more information about how to use AIM, or to be added to our 10-minute Canvas instructional course, please email sastest@ycp.edu.
Accessibility and Inclusion is Everyone's Responsibility!
Student Accessibility Services welcomes the opportunity to provide training, workshops, and additional support for your group. Please submit your request for our services through this link or email us at sas@ycp.edu!
Accessibility Guidance for Faculty
Getting started with the AIM system is an essential first step in working with student accommodations.
If you have a student in your course who requires testing accommodations, please submit a test agreement to the AIM system.
Students who use the Testing Center to take exams for your course are subject to the same guidelines as those who sit for the test in a classroom environment. By providing us with information about what is allowed or forbidden during your tests (e.g., open-book tests, notes allowed, etc.), you can ensure that students with and without accommodations have an equitable test-taking experience.
For online assessment, please implement the extended time accommodation for eligible students. The Testing Center is not aware when you are offering online assessments so we cannot facilitate this request.
Pathways: SAS Accessibility Basics
This is the first Essential Level Training offered to give faculty and staff an overview of disability access and inclusion on our YCP campus.
Participants will learn about:
- Student Accessibility Services at YCP
- Role of faculty in Student Accessibility Services
- What resources are available
- Inclusive language related to disability culture
By completing this course and knowledge check, participants are awarded the Accessibility Basics BADGE.
Zoom provides faculty, staff, and students with the opportunity to connect in a virtual environment. Captioning Zoom calls/webinars and providing transcriptions helps to make this tool as accessible as possible for everyone.
Log in at ycp.zoom.us or MyYCP.
Faculty members are responsible for providing accommodations requested for the student through AIM, but are also required to maintain the fundamental requirements of their course for ALL students. Contact SAS for guidance if you feel an accommodation may alter the fundamentals of a course.
Student Accessibility Services recommends that all professors, faculty, and instructors include the following statement on their course syllabi.
York College of Pennsylvania offers a variety of academic accommodations to students with documented disabilities to ensure their success. To request accommodations, please contact Student Accessibility Services at (717) 815.1717 or sas@ycp.edu . Student Accessibility Services will discuss the confidential process of requesting accessibility services and establish the accommodations for which the student is eligible.
It is suggested you add the following statement to your course syllabus or online classroom to notify students that your class lectures may be recorded by students eligible for accommodations through Student Accessibility Services:
There is a possibility that during this course, classroom lectures may be recorded in accordance with York College of Pennsylvania policies for Student Accessibility Services.
If you have any questions after reviewing the resources below, please contact us at sas@ycp.edu or 717.815.1717.
Contact Us
Student Accessibility Services
Humanities Center, Room 23