Testing Center
Testing accommodations are used to provide equal access, addressing barriers related to time limits, testing environment, testing format, and other specific student needs related to a disability or other documented health condition. Reasonable exam accommodations are determined for each student by Student Accessibility Services using an individualized, interactive process. York College's Testing Center adheres to the National College Testing Association (NCTA) Professional Standards and Guidelines, Americans Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements, and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Providing accommodations is a shared responsibility between students, faculty, and Student Accessibility Services. Students are responsible for discussing their approved accommodations with each instructor. Accommodations can be facilitated by the instructor or through the Student Accessibility Services Testing Center. Students are required to schedule their exams through AIM at least one week in advance.
To contact the Testing Center, please email sastest@ycp.edu or call 717.815.2047.

Inside the YCP Testing Center
- Spacious, comfortable group rooms for proctored testing
- Special desk areas designed to accommodate minimal noise and distractions
- A private testing room for those who need a silent environment and/or specialized equipment
- A welcoming lounge area with snacks and cozy seating is available
Testing Center Guidelines
The purpose of the Testing Center is to assist faculty in providing testing accommodations to eligible students. Providing accommodations is a shared responsibility between students, faculty and Student Accessibility Services. Only students who have been approved by Student Accessibility Services for testing accommodations may take their exams in the Testing Center.
- Request your accommodations at the beginning of each semester for each course, using the AIM system.
- Schedule a meeting with your instructors to make sure they received a copy of your accommodations and to discuss your accommodations.
- Schedule all Testing Center appointments (exams, quizzes, midterms, etc.) 1 week (5 business days) in advance.
- Adhere to:
- All Testing Center Policies and Procedures
- Student Accessibility Services Student Rights and Responsibilities
- The Student Code of Conduct
- All Testing Center Policies and Procedures
- Meet with students to discuss their accommodations and how they will be implemented in your course.
- For each course where testing accommodations are requested, complete the Testing Agreement in AIM.
- If you have any questions or concerns about a student's accommodations or testing, please feel free to reach out to Student Accessibility Services.
Students must schedule testing (exams, quizzes, midterms, etc.) a minimum of 1 week in advance. Requests must be submitted through AIM.
Important Information
- Students are expected to schedule their exams at the same time as the class unless doing so impacts attendance for another course or would fall outside of the Testing Center’s operating hours. If a conflict exists, the student must consult with the instructor to determine an appropriate time to schedule and obtain approval prior to scheduling the exam.
- Tests taken in the Testing Center must be taken within the hours of operation. If exam time extends beyond the Testing Center's hours of operation, extended time will be forfeited.
- Students should cancel their appointment(s) in AIM as soon as they know it will not be needed.
- Students who experience difficulties scheduling their exams AIM should call the Testing Center immediately at 717.815.2047 or email sastest@ycp.edu to resolve any issues.
- You should arrive at least five minutes prior to the exam to check-in.
- You may start your exam up to 15 minutes early.
- If you arrive up to 15 minutes after your scheduled start time, you may be allowed to take your exam; however, your exam time will be reduced by the length of your tardiness.
- If you arrive more than 15 minutes after your scheduled start time, you will only be permitted to take the exam upon instructor approval.
- Changes in exam time (including early or late arrivals) are up to the discretion of SAS Staff and your professor.
- Your professors’ rules and requirements apply as if you are taking the test in the classroom.
- No cell phones, smart watches, or other unauthorized device may be taken into the testing rooms.
- Proctors must be notified and approve if you need to leave the testing center during an exam.
- At completion of the exam, all materials must be turned in to the proctor. This includes, but is not limited to: all parts of the exam, formula sheets, notecards, “cheat” sheets, and scratch paper.
- Scratch paper can be provided upon request. You may not use your own scratch paper.
- If you have questions regarding your exam, you may ask the proctor to contact the instructor. The allotted exam time will not be adjusted for questions.
- If there is a question or concern during your test, please report it to the test proctor.
Students are expected to abide by the Spartan Oath and follow the York College Student Code of Conduct.
- The use of any aids or resources not authorized may be treated as academic dishonesty.
- If academic dishonesty is suspected, your professor will be notified and determine repercussions, up to and including the incident being reported as a violation of the York College of Pennsylvania Student Code of Conduct.
- The Student Accessibility Services Testing Center utilizes proctor oversight, 24-hour video monitoring, recording, and remote computer monitoring.
If you would like more information on the AIM system, please email sastest@ycp.edu to be added to our instructional Canvas course.
What are your hours of operation?
Normal Hours of Operation: Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Friday 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. (closed Fridays during summer and J-Term). The Testing Center observes designated holidays and campus closures.
When is the earliest I can sign up for an exam?
We encourage you to sign up for your exams at least a week in advance. You can schedule your exams through the AIM portal.
I have an exam schedule in the Testing Center, when does my time start?
If you arrive on time or up to 15 minutes early for your scheduled exam, your timer will start at your arrival time. If you are late, you may still take your exam, but the timer will start at the scheduled exam time. If you are more than 15 minutes late for your exam, you may not test until we receive approval from your instructor.
My professor announced in class that we would be allowed to use our notes on the test. Will I be allowed to use them in the Testing Center?
Yes, as long as the instructor provides us with those instructions. The instructor must specifically notify the Testing Center about which materials are allowed.
How do I cancel or reschedule an appointment?
Log into your AIM account. Select “Alternative Testing” from the left-hand toolbar. All of your scheduled exams should be listed on that page. Select "Modify or Cancel Request" and complete the required fields.

Fee for Service Proctoring
Fee for Service Proctoring is available through the York College Testing Center at a cost of $25 per hour (cash and check only please).
Contact us at 717.815.2047 or sastest@ycp.edu for more information or to schedule a proctored test session.
Support and Services
Request Accommodations
Students who would like to request an accommodation should begin the process by filling out the Student Accessibility Services Accommodation Request Form, which is available through the AIM system. All information in this application will be kept confidential.
If you need to access any of our information in an alternate format, please contact Student Accessibility Services at 717.815.1717 or sas@ycp.edu.
The AIM system is used to manage all information and communication related to students' accommodation requests. Students may use AIM to submit their accommodation request form, upload related documentation, schedule testing, or make an appointment with Student Accessibility Services.
Schedule Testing
The Testing Center in York College's Student Accessibility Services Department provides a state-of-the-art, comfortable test-taking environment for students with a variety of accommodation needs. Testing appointments may be scheduled through the AIM system.
To contact the Testing Center please email sastest@ycp.edu or call 717.815.2047.
Schedule an Appointment with Student Accessibility Services
Student Accessibility Services staff are here to help, whether you need guidance in obtaining accommodations or want to discuss your options. Our offices and Testing Center are housed on the bottom floor of the Humanities Center, conveniently located in the center of the College's Main Campus.
To schedule an appointment, email sas@ycp.edu or call 717.815.1717.
Contact Us
Student Accessibility Services
Humanities Center, Room 23