Ol Spart, a green boulder covered in alumni signatures, sits in the center of campus.

Handbook: Living Here

Several students with backpacks walking to class.

Make York Your Home

When it comes to your ideal college life, where you live on campus (or how commuters are handled) might be as big a factor for you as academics. York College is a residential campus, meaning if you’re not a commuter, you will be required to live on campus. We offer modern living with apartments, houses, and suites for upper-level students as well as traditional residence halls. On campus, you’re never too far away from food, class, the fitness center, and more.

Need to Know Items

To live on campus, you'll need to:

1.  Fill out a housing application. This helps Residence Life get an idea where they can place you. The application is available through the student portal here my.ycp.edu. Step-by-step guidance is available at ycp.edu/housing.

2. Choose a roommate, if you have one in mind. The roommate request period is April 15 – June 21, 2024.

First-year students are restricted in where they can live on campus. Common sites for first-year students: Penn Hall, Northside Commons, and the Manor Hall Complex.

Who do I need to know in my residence hall?

You’re not alone when you live on campus, even if you’re brand new! We have staff here to make you feel welcomed and secure. Once you have a residence hall lined up, find your staff members here: ycp.edu/housingstaff

Resident Assistants (RAs):

These are student leaders who help make sure you have the best environment for living and learning, from being on-call for your questions and concerns to providing programming and enforcing policy (like helping you out if a neighbor is being too loud.)

Area Coordinator (AC):

This individual is a “live-in,” professional staff member who coordinates and supervises the overall operation of the complex. They make sure things are safe, clean, and that students feel supported. Area Coordinators also serve as hearing officers in student conduct hearings for code of conduct violations.

Housing OptionsResidence Life and Housing Staff

What should I bring?

See sample packing lists on our "Living on Campus" page

TIP: You don’t need to arrive in August with every possession! Pack enough to get you through the first break. You don’t need a winter coat and five blankets in August.

What should I not bring?

This is just as important. We don’t want you to be frustrated if something has to go back home! See the above page for specifics. But in general: no space heaters, no pets other than fish (unless you have special accommodation approval), no alcohol or drug paraphernalia, and no candles/incense/lava lamps. Nix the open campfire idea.

Want a microwave and/or fridge?

You can rent through mymicrofridge.com and it’s delivered right to your room. We even have a linen purchase program.

What’s included in most rooms?

All traditional hall double rooms offer each student a bed, a desk, a desk chair, a wardrobe with drawers, a mirror, a towel-rack/hook, a desk light, blinds which are pre-hung on the windows, and wireless networking. In lieu of a wardrobe with drawers, some traditional halls will have an open closet with drawers. Windows are typically 4' wide by 5'8" high and the bedrooms are typically 12' wide by 16' long.

I have to do laundry (or so my family tells me). Where do I go?

Each hall/complex has laundry facilities. There are no additional fees for laundry. Students are responsible for collecting their items in a timely manner, as laundry rooms are shared by the community.

Who cleans my room?

Grab a mirror. Each student is responsible for cleaning their own room or apartment. The shared bathrooms are cleaned by YCP facilities staff.

Can I pick a roommate?

This is done through the housing software. There is a roommate request period April 15–June 21, 2024. Roommate requests may not be considered after the due date.

Please note that a roommate selection isn’t always cut and dry. If you or your roommate are athletes, are part of a Learning Community, or have housing accommodations, it may be difficult to satisfy everyone’s needs.

You will also be able to request up to three building preferences. Please discuss the options with your roommate.

Wait, what’s a Learning Community?

Several of the First-Year Seminar courses (a required course for incoming first-year students) as well as STEM Scholars offer a Learning Community. In short, you live with the students who are in your class so there’s more chance for personal growth and creating a community. Instant friendships and study groups! If that sounds appealing, you’ll want to try to sign up for that kind of First-Year Seminar class or apply for STEM Scholars. These all have limited availability. You can sign up for First-Year Seminar classes at New Spartan Days summer orientation.

Do I have to have a meal plan?

Students living in traditional or suite-style housing with no kitchen accommodations are automatically assigned a 165 Block Advantage meal plan with $275.00 dining points. This full meal plan gives students the advantage of using meal swipes in traditional dining halls as well as the flexibility to eat in on-campus retail dining locations by using dining points. You have the opportunity to change your plan to the 225 Block, 225 Block Advantage, or the Ultimate Plan. More information about each plan can be found at dineoncampus.com/ycp or on the Business Office website. Meal Plans can be used at “all you care to eat” dining facilities. Meals cannot be used in retail locations, but dining points can.

Can I bring my car?

Students may bring their car. However, it must have a YCP registration tag, which is available through the Department of Campus Safety. More information regarding parking regulations may be found by visiting the Campus Safety section. Parking permits cost $100 for residents and $50 for commuters for the academic year. Commuter students may register two vehicles. The second permit is free.

Have a bike? There are bike racks outside each residence hall or close by. Register your bike with Campus Safety.

I want to stay on campus during a break. What do I do?

If you need to stay over during any College break, you must fill out the Break Request Form by the announced deadline.

What about visitation?

Visitation in student rooms is permitted on the basis of the schedule and regulations below:

  • Sunday–Wednesday, 12 p.m.-1 a.m.
  • Thursday–Saturday, 12 p.m.-2 a.m.

All guests must be escorted in and around the building by their host resident at all times. From 12 p.m. until closing, all guests must sign in and out at the front desk of the lobby (if applicable). Photo identification must be left (college ID, driver’s license, etc.). Residents are responsible for informing their guests of policies, rules, and regulations. Students will be held accountable for their guest’s behavior. These policies extend to facilities without front desks as well. All non-student guests must be 18 years or older unless with their parent/guardian.

Visitors must obtain a visitor permit to park on campus in designated parking spaces. Please visit the Campus Safety webpage for information on obtaining a visitor parking permit.

Meal PlansHousing InformationCampus Safety

If you’re a commuter, you have plenty of opportunities to get involved. At YCP, commuters are those students who live within a 35-mile radius of the campus and reside at their legal residence. Roughly one-third of our undergraduates commute to campus! Full details, including parking maps, can be found on our commuter page.

Tips for commuters:

Use the Commuter Lounge
YCP has a space for you to chill in between classes. The lounge is on the bottom floor of the Student Union near Sparts Den. There’s a microwave, a TV, and lots of room to relax or get work done.

Get involved
We find that the more you’re active early on, the better. It seems easy to skip out on clubs or attending a campus event, but it’s that much harder to feel connected! Sign up for a club and make a commitment to yourself to try a few events in the fall.

Make friends with residents
A tip we hear from students is to connect with students who have the opposite living situation. If you’re a commuter, it can be super helpful to have a friend’s room to hang out. And resident students are known to be generous with card swipes into the dining hall for a commuter friend with access to a car!

Plan ahead
We have plenty of parking, but if you have a habit of arriving last minute before class, you won’t always get a spot right near the building. Don’t rely on luck. Plan ahead and build a few minutes into your commute in case you need to grab a shuttle or walk.

Tell your professors that you commute
YCP makes every effort to give the campus advanced notice of closures or delays. But if school is open, you’re expected to be in class, so make sure you know your professor’s attendance policies. And if you know that your commute might be delayed by inclement weather, construction, or other factors, it helps to let the professor know as soon as you can.

Commuter Relations

Medical professionals in the Health Services Office are available by appointment and in emergency situations. The physician and advanced practice clinician are available to help treat minor illnesses as well as help you find local referrals. We can also help manage chronic illnesses in coordination with your home physician. Office hours are listed at ycp.edu/ health. Office visits do not have a charge; some tests, over-the-counter medications, and services have a nominal fee. The Health Services Office carries some prescription medications. Other medications may need to be fulfilled at a local pharmacy.

Have an emergency or are in need of help after hours? Please call Campus Safety at 717.815.1314. Several after-hours care centers and hospitals are located in the area, as well. You’ll want to check with your family’s insurance company to determine your in-network coverage.

Medical treatment provided by the Health Services Office is provided confidentially under HIPAA regulations.


All new students must complete and submit the Student Health Forms on the PyraMED Student Health Portal before June 15; we need them in order for you to attend classes in the fall. Both commuters and residents must fill this form out.

Submission Instructions:

  1. Visit ycp.studenthealthportal.com
  2. Log in with your YCP credentials
  3. Once you are logged into PyraMED, you will need to complete the required forms by clicking on "My Forms" or the "Pending Forms" link. Please read all directions.


Unlike high school, where you might have had your medications stored in a nurse’s office, in college you are expected to be in charge of your own medications. If you have any questions, please contact the office.


Iosue Student Union, Room 116 
Phone: 717.849.1615 
Fax: 717.849.1601

Student Health PortalHealth Services

At York College, what you think of as IT is known as Library and Technology Services. It's a department that handles everything from library books and multimedia requests to email accounts and network issues, and it’s based inside Schmidt Library at the heart of campus.

What you need to do:

It all revolves around having your YCP network account set up. We’ll be contacting you (if we haven’t already) with info on your username and password. This is what you'll use to access your "@ycp.edu" email account, use the MyYCP portal, where you pay your bill, sign up for parking, access class content, and check your grades in Moodle or Canvas. You need to log in to your account before New Spartan Days summer orientation to ensure it works properly.

Once you have access, make a point to regularly check your YCP email. Your YCP email is your official means of communicating with York College offices and departments. We’ll be transitioning communication away from your personal email address as we move through the enrollment process, especially for official communication from various offices around campus.

What’s more, you’ll need this account to sign up for classes at New Spartan Days summer orientation.

Tech questions

We’ll make sure you know much more about tech requirements during New Spartan Days, and before you begin classes you’ll need to review our acceptable use policy. More information can be found on the LTS Help Site.

We have WiFi available throughout campus, and Mac and PCs are both permissible. We often are asked if there’s a specific type of computer to get, but in general, there’s not a one-size-fits-all computer.Check out our computer recommendations. Don't have a computer? We have computer labs available 24/7.

Printing, moving in, and more

Printing is available at several spots around campus; your flex card comes preloaded with a $10 credit for printing each semester

You’re welcome to stop by the LTS Help Desk, located inside the library, for a variety of tech questions as you start classes this fall. We can help connect your gaming system as well. You know, for playing video games after you’re done studying.

Schmidt Library

Say it with us: The library is here to help you! Along with study rooms and computers, we can help you with interlibrary loans, research for a project, and tracking down specific books or media. We also have quiet zones that are excellent for studying. You’ll find that the library is abuzz near the end of each semester during finals week. Check out more about the Schmidt Library at library.ycp.edu.

LTS Help Desk
Schmidt Library

LTSSchmidt Library Resources

The York College CARE Team

Our CARE team works with departments on campus to assist students with medical, social, and academic concerns. The team connects with students of concern to provide individualized resources and support for their personal and professional success.

We’re here for whatever you or a friend of yours needs to be in the best possible position for success and wellness.

The CARE team can be emailed directly at care@ycp.edu or reached through Residence Life at 717.815.1281. Visit the CARE Team page for more information.

Counseling Services

York College’s Counseling Services Office assists students in finding solutions to life’s challenges by helping you manage stress and anxiety, learn new ways to deal with difficult situations, improve moods, mend relationships, and live your best life. To learn more about the confidential services this office offers or to complete an online mental health screening visit our Counseling page.


TimelyCare is a virtual health and well-being platform available to all full-time undergraduate students. Download the TimelyCare app from the App Store or Google Play and get access to medical care, counseling and emotional support, health coaching, psychiatry, and self-care content. Whether you need assistance at 5 a.m. or 10 p.m., TimelyCare can be accessed any time you need support, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.

TimelyCare registration opens on August 1 and should be completed before August 23 by visiting timelycare.com/ycp.

Counseling ServicesCARE TeamTimelyCare

Living and Commuting Checklist

Submit your Health Form and Immunization Records to the Health Office by June 15

You cannot attend classes or live on campus without submitting your health forms. If you do not believe you can meet this deadline, talk with your admissions counselor.

Review Housing Options

You can browse through all of these options on the Residence Life & Campus Housing page.

Complete the Housing Application if You Will Be Living On Campus

Complete the housing application through MyHousing at my.ycp.edu

If You Bring a Vehicle on Campus, Register It

To park on campus, you'll need a parking permit through Campus Safety. This is available online through the MyYCP portal. Select the blue MyParking icon.

Registration opens August 1.

Get Familiar With Campus

The virtual tour and map is a great starting place. Find academic buildings, parking locations, banking on campus, shuttle stops, and more.

Register for TimelyCare before August 23

Receive access to 24/7 health and well-being resources by visiting timelycare.com/ycp. Registration opens on August 1.

Complete the Spartan Start Up Program

It’s a requirement for incoming students before they arrive — keep an eye out for an email to your YCP account. Spartan Start Up includes Alcohol-Wise, an educational program about alcohol, drug, and personal safety, and the Spartan Oath and Citizenship review about what it means to be an involved Spartan. Info and links are at ycp.edu/ newspartan under the Campus Life section.

This needs completed before you arrive for Move-In Day/Fall Orientation.

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Student Conduct at 717.600.3874 or by email at studentconduct@ycp.edu.